child discipline
No one babies born already have the discipline. The parents' job to teach their children the importance of discipline in life. However, because of disciplines required special tricks do not mean to educate children with harsh or often punish your child.

Needless to be too stressed when children violate some of the rules you set up. Because, in essence, a small child does not understand mean and the purpose of the rules is made​​. Well, rather than the stress itself and so does bad things such as hitting a child, there is a better way that you can do.

1. Listened, Talking, and Tell The Child
You can't turn a deaf ear to all the child's speech. Listen to their feelings when they express their feelings, such as fear, sadness, anger, or other. Let the a child know that you are aware of what he was saying. If you can listen to them, you both will find the best solution applied.
Talk to the child and explain what exactly is the purpose of the things that you do. For example, do not immediately make watching television restrictions, but to say why watching television for too long is not good for health or why a certain cartoon show should not be watched. Use words, not actions.

2. Know Your Interlocutors
Because they are your the child, get to know them fully. Take a moment to learn about the stages of child development so you have more realistic expectations according to age. Thereby, you will also become a more patient parent when educating children.

3. Use a Good aApproach to Encourage a Good BehaviorDon't hesitate to praise and reward the achievement of the child. However, do not be too excessive. Understand also that scare children so that they would not normally have an impact in the long term.

4. Give an Example
Parents are the best role model for their children. So, if you want the kids to be more disciplines, give real examples that are consistent with them.

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