teacher, kids, parent
The role of parents in the education and development of children should be the main thing. Because the child's parents are role models and who knows where that fits and is not for children.

As a parent, surely you often see attitudes and behavior of children confusing. For example, when behaving a rogue, they did not obey, and instead tend to fight. But when his teacher which advised him, then the child would obey.

Because such a thing, not a few parents then requested the help of the the teachers. For a child, a parent is a person which nourishes, also which physical and psychological needs. The the teachers rated children as educators when they need information or would like to learn some information that can't be met entirely by the parents.

How parents so that children can receive? Another trick was to foster a sense of comfort and closer to the parent figure. Here's how:

The Main Mentor
During its development, children need encouragement and guidance of parents, such as when he experienced failure. Tell them a positive case of a failure that he could learn from these failures. Parental guidance is going to give a message to the child about the importance of continuing to try.

Be a Friend
Facing various subjects in school is not the only thing that the child struggles. It could be that they are having problems with her​​. Well, at this moment, what they need is someone which is willing listening what their problem. Remember, without a companion who will listen to the problem, the child will have an extra burden in his life, which can lower self-esteem and motivation of learning, so even in disbelief at her parents again.

Be a Teacher
Parents can not just turn everything over to the teacher. Although the child are handled by the best teachers, they can still have trouble to be capable meet the individual needs of each child. The child still need individual attention. Well, this is where the role of the parent to make sure they get it.

So, stay involved with the child tasks. Set aside time each day to offer help. Communication with the teacher regularly in order to know the things that happen everyday in school. If a child needs extra help, be active will help him or better yet if you can do it together.

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