Promises to Child
The promise should be fulfilled, not exceptional in children. As a parent, sometimes you make a promise to the children just to make them not talk so much. Worse, the promise of the child's parents often can't you do yourself.

Unfortunately, every time you make a promise and breaking himself to the child, then the child's trust will also be broken. Here are promises should be avoided on kids:

1. "It Will Not Hurt"
When you will give medication to the wounds a child. They will be scared because it feels painful. So you can say to your child "It Will Not Hurt".
The strength to withstand the pain is different for everyone. Maybe it does not hurt for you, but not necessarily for children. Even though mean of these words to make a child so do not be afraid and be sure that this is not painful, but the reality is different, children must no longer trust you.
Try telling "this may be a little painful, but only for a while, try to hold it".

2. "I Promise I'll be Home Before You Sleeping"
Sometimes a pile of work can't be solved quickly, consequently you have to overtime. Though a child are awaiting your presence at home. Not bear to disappoint him, you also make a promise that you will get home before he went to bed. In fact all just a promise. Got home, the child is sleeping and may be up to cry.
If you accidentally break a promise to be a child, then try to sympathize with them, and say "I know you're disappointed, I'm sorry"

3. "Couldn't Play Right Now, Another Time"
Instead of giving the promise sometime, to be honest about the reasons why they can't play now. You can also make an appointment again with mom of his friends so that children can play together again.

4. "If You Put Toys Away, I Promise to Buy You Ice Cream"
These appointments to teach it to always be rewarded after doing something. Anything like this are not going to make them have a personal motivation to do something positive.
You can say, "You have to put toys away, if not you or anyone else may stumble and fall down." With this, a child will know the importance of clean up his toys.

5. "I Promise We Will Go to Disneyland (or any the other great thing) on Your Birthday Next Year"
Sometimes a child wants big gifts in his birthday moment. However, certainly not all the time you can fulfill his wish. But do not promise something great as a gift if you may not be able to keep it. Make an appointment to give a more realistic gifts.

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