Children Play
Comparing children to encourage children to compete is often done by parents. But, the attitude too want to compete and compare can make us stressed. This attitude also makes us less appreciate what has been achieved children.

The following are some of the things that are often compared the parents:

1. Child Growth and Development
As parents, we are must pay attention to the presence or absence disorders or delay in child growth and development. So do not be surprised if we are often worrying if the child has not been able to master gross motor skills at a certain age.

Child growth and development are varied, whether it's when they start to sit up, crawl, or walk. Therefore you should not have to worry as far as the children reach milestones at the normal time range still.

Enjoy and appreciate the ability of the child at this time. Always remind yourself that we can't force the child reaches certain milestones if they are not ready.

2. Sleeping Time
A lot of the new parents feel tired caring for children because they sometimes have trouble sleeping at night. Indeed, there are babies which sleep well at night, but most of the other difficulties and intermittently closed wake.

As well as growth and development of the baby, children sleep patterns also varies. Because it than you are busy asking how to make a baby sleep and it did not work on your baby, it is better to focus on efforts so that you can always go to sleep when the baby is sleeping well.

If the baby is indeed difficult to sleep, you can ask for help caregivers, husband, or your parents, to replace so you can hold your baby rest for a while.

3. Behavior of Children
Although your child is not always sweet, but we still need to impose discipline or correction when the child does something dangerous, disrespectful, or destructive.

However, if it is dealing with something which is a character, being receptive is the key. If you are an outgoing person while little shy, or do you prefer sports while children prefer to dance, you can do is accept what the child.

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